New series: Györgykovács vs. Quarantine!
What do you think will last longer: the Corona shutdown, or a rich Somló white wine?
The white wines of the volcanic Somló mountain are known for their strength, robustness and intense minerality. While typical white wines are meant to be enjoyed within a few days of opening a bottle, Somló white wines can evolve and improve for days and weeks after opening.
Since most of us are sitting at home waiting for the pandemic to pass, this is the perfect occasion to see how a bottle from one of the best producers in the region improves once it’s opened. We chose a bottle from Imre Györgykovács, legendary winemaker of the region and we’ll be tasting it for the next days and weeks.
The bottle was opened on Wednesday, March 25. We’ll open the bottle and have a sip every day until the bottle lasts, check back on Instagram for updates!
Tasting notes
Day 0: minerals, minerals and minerals, with a waxy texture and a fiery, smoky style, but still very, very closed.
Day 1: The wine has started to become more round and smooth, but it’s still closed.
Day 3: Flavor is slowly creeping out: flint, basalt, with a bit of almonds and honeysuckle starting to appear
Day 7: Now we’re talking. The wine is much smoother and softer than it was five days ago. The body has expanded into a pleasantly waxy style. Still bone-dry and full of minerality, but a light peachy-fruity flavors are starting to creep in.
Day 12: A totally different wine than on the first day: full-bodied, almost creamy. The intensive volcanic notes of the Somló wine region are still at the center of the falvor palette, surrounded by the fruitiness and mild style of the Olaszrizling grape. Great balance and drinking wonderfully.
Day 15: Just like a few days ago, but with an even riper, more classic style as the first signs of oxidation appeared.
Day 18: To be honest, we drank the last sips so quick that we didn’t make any real notes… The wine was still delicious 😉