Wine & Culture at Home #2: Vera Jónás & Gilvesy Bohém 2018

Vera Jónás is a popular Hungarian singer who combines soul, funk, jazz and other influences seamlessly into catchy beats and performances full of energy. She’s supposed to be playing in the Palace of Arts in Budapest tonight, but just like everything else, the concert is cancelled.

The Gilvesy winery’s Bohém white wine is a perfect match for a Vera Jónás concert: just like her style, it’s a balanced, lively, fun combination of different influences, from the refreshing citrusy acidity of Riesling and Olaszrizling grapes to the fruitiness of the Pinot Gris and Sauvignon Blanc varieties, with a hint of minerality from the volcanic mountains along the northern shore of the Lake Balaton. Since the two go so well together, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that she played at the winery’s popular ‘Bohém Légyott’ festival last year!

Check out a concert of her Jónás Vera Experiment group from the Fishing on Orfű festival last year here,

and buy the wine directly online here! (We’ve lowered shipping costs and free shipping limits 😉 )