A live concert at 5pm by a Hungarian folk punk fiddler band, paired with the ideal (unpronounceable) afternoon wine, ‘Akutyafáját’.
‘Speed-folk freak-punk from Hungary’ is how Bohemian Betyars define themselves. A fiddler band playing rock, ska and punk-inspired music with Hungarian, Balkan and Gypsy folk elements, they’re a lively bunch and a real experience when playing live. Which is what they’re doing today at 5pm online!
And the wine to match? We recommend a smooth, easy-going and fruity red like St. Andrea’s Akutyafáját blend. A blend of Kékfrankos, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Turán and Merlot, Its juicy berry notes, medium body and lively acidity make it the ideal afternoon wine to relax at home (where else?).
Check out the Facebook event and live stream from 5pm here,
and order the wine here: